If God Is Love, Why Do I Feel So Bad?
Considering Our Images of God
Curious about your own image of God, how you see God, what you believe about God? Take this opportunity to identify your own unique way of seeing God. What does God look like to you? How does that image effect your life and your desire to be with God or reject God. Does something need to change? Are there other possibilities? Read these fascinating stories of God and take time to reflect and journal about your own experience of the Holy One.
Other Books by the Author:
Since receiving a double lung transplant in 2003 Marcia Fleischman has experienced the presence of angels around her and around the people with whom she comes in contact. She has been painting the images and impressions that come to her to express this angelic pressence although she never painted before this experience. In her book, Angels Everywhere, she joyfully depicts angels with their most prescious people, children. Enjoy the images of children in their many activities as their angels join and participate with them, always adding a touch of heavenly love to all they do.
One day, while thinking about the miserable story of Lot’s wife in the Old Testament, Rev. Marcia Fleischman, in a flash of insight, realized that the story had been written from a male view point based on an angry, punishing image of God. How would the story change if seen through the eyes of a woman? All the women’s stories change when a feminine wisdom is applied. For instance, in the New Testament, Mary “Don’t Mess with Me” Magadalene’s seven “demons” turn out to be familiar to most women. Marcia retells these stories of the famous women of the Old Testament and the New Testament with a feminine, even feminist, twist. Told with passion and a bit of whimsy and written in rhyme, Marcia, illustrates each story with a corresponding picture, many containing a bit of anacronism for fun.
Marcia begins the book “Angels I Have Seen” by explaining, first, how her mystical gift of prophecy, seeing and hearing the things of the spirit, developed. She spent 25 years listening to the Spirit and automatically writing what she heard. The gift strengthened as she prayed and listened to the Spirit for people in staff meetings and at healing prayer services.
The second part of the book includes paintings of some of the angels she saw and painted and what the paintings mean.
Enjoy the angel paintings and see what they mean to you. Notice how strong and vibrant the angels are. Close your eyes to imagine what your angels may appear to be.
Marcia has been married to her husband, Ken, for over 41 years and lives in Leawood, Kansas. Ken and Marcia have two grown daughters and three grandchildren.